Monday, April 16, 2012

The legendary Maroon 5

Why Maroon 5 is the BEST band ever?

Maroon 5 is the best band ever because their made up of very talented people: Adam Levine( my fave), Jesse Carmichael, James Valentine, Matt Flynn and Mickey Madden. Another reason why Maroon5 is awesome because during their career they switched genres. Rock to pop,that's one of the things that make them very unique.Maroon 5's new upcoming album, Overexposed is coming to stores!!. They say that is the most" pop" album they've ever made. They also say that they have more collaborations and one of the songs are with Wiz Khalifa! The album comes out in June 26 2012. DON'T FORGET TO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!! Here's a example of one of there amazing songs. ( You'll LOVE it)!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Some Facts About Maroon 5

1) Their first gig was at a little girls birthday party

2) The lead singer, Adam Levine meet Jesse in junior high and started a band called Kara Flowers  with two other band members

3) Their first album Songs About Jane went platinum in the united states after only four days of being in stores.

4) Recently the keyboard player, Jesse is taking some time of of the band to go to collage for a few more years and he was replaced with a guy named  PJ Morton.

                                                         The author of this article is Rachael Gayle

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