Monday, June 10, 2013


E: So school is almost going out. Summer is just around the cornerbend. 
What are your summer plans?
I am going to the Narnia and Oz.
My grandmother living in the Narnia and I am king to the Oz.
yolo lol kk ya dis fo' realz
See ya next year! Maybe..... (might still be in Narnia)
And most important of all...
O: "schools out for summer, schools out for ever!"
ba na na na ba na na na boo doo doo do 
J: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :)

Signing off forever for 2 months for summer,
Jasmine (ME ME ME ME ME ME), 
Oh yeah. 
and Ekim (Of OZ)
 and the GRAND Livi

Monday, March 18, 2013

April Fools Pranks

We all know that April Fools is coming up and we’re all scrambling around to find clever and funny pranks. Oh wait, OMG, I love that shirt you’re wearing! I see you through your window. Hahaha, I know you looked. APRIL FOOLS! 

Ok, here are some pranks… but just so you know, some of these pranks we have are looked up on the internet. :
·       You can put some Hannah Montana stickers or any cheesy stickers you want, and put it on a chair, but sticky side up and tell someone to sit on the chair without them looking and they’ll have stickers on their butt!
·       Put water in a bowl, stand on a chair, get a broom and hold the bowl with the broom tip to hold it up on the ceiling. Call someone and ask them “Can you do me a quick favor? Hold this broom for a sec. Thanks.”. Then once the person is in control of the broom, get off the chair and let them stand on the chair, and sit on the couch or floor and stare at them and say “You know there’s water in that bowl?” and once they realize that, they’re trapped and there’s no way out without the water spilling on them.
·        Get something that someone will pick up off the floor like a book or an important looking envelope. Then, wait till someone comes. Sit or stand nearby. Get Velcro or something that will tear easily. When the person bends down, tear the fabric. The person will think their pants are ripped. Don’t worry, it’s hilarious.

·        Put clear tape on the toilet so you can’t stick anything in it. Then, wait till someone comes into the bathroom and just make sure they don’t notice the tape. And just make sure you have some paper towels handy.
·       Take some Oreos and put toothpaste in it and just watch the person eat it.
·       Go into the street and tell a friend to go on the other side. Then pretend that two are pulling a rope. And just watch the cars as they drive by. 

By Sofia Ciandella and Nicole Angeles

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

great questions to ask

Here Are Some Good Questions to Ask for Any Age....

If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie what would you want?

If you could meet any celebrity in the world, who would it be?

Who is your favorite super hero?

If you were an animal then what would you be?

Which is your favorite song that you would sing at a karaoke bar?

Which is the trait you love the most and least about yourself?

Which is your favorite cartoon character?

Which character in a book best describes who you are?

Which is your color that best describes you or stands for your personality?

Which is your color that best describes you or stands for your personality?

Describe yourself in one word

If you could cook for me what would it be? (Sofia Ciandella)

If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be?

When have you felt the most alone?

Is there something you never told your best friend, but you want to tell them right now?

Do you have any regrets? I do..

Is there a speech or quote that you would want to pass on to your children, grandchildren or little kids that you know. 

What is the most important thing in life that you've learned?

Who's your idol?

Who is the nicest and kindest person in your life so far?

What is the happiest moment in your life? And what's the saddest?

Would you rather want to have the power to rewind time or fast forward time?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you believe in Santa? I do..

What makes you and your best friend such good friends?


Monday, October 22, 2012

Monsters by Janet Mah

Happy Halloween!
It's fun to dress up for Halloween, especially dressing up as monsters! There are a lot of monsters you can dress up as. Like:

1.Vampires- mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence  of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person/being

2.Werewolves- a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature

3.Demons-a supernatural, often malevolent being prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, and folklore

4.Medusa- was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as having the face of a hideous human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair.

5.Devils-believed in many religions, myths and cultures to be a supernatural entity that is the personification of evil and the enemy of God and humankind

6.Ghouls- a (folkloric) monster associated with graveyards and consuming human flesh, often classified as undead

7.Goblin-a legendary evil or mischievous creature; a grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom.

8.Zombies- is an animated corpse resurrected back to life by mystical means, such as witchcraft.

9.Cyclopes- in Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, was a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead

10.Mummy- a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals.

11.Trolls-  a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore.

12.Lamia- A half human, half reptile creature from the Greek Mythology.

13.Witches-historical, anthropological, religious, and mythological contexts, is the use of alleged supernatural or magical powers or spells.

14.Ghost-the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living.

Fact: I got all of the information from Wikipedia.

By: Janet L. Mah

Gangnam Style


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Presidential Election

The Presidential Elections

Battle for presidency remains close in new CNN poll
                                      Republican                                                                                             Democrat

Are you republican or democrat? Do you like President Obama or Governor Romney? Can you not decide? The reason I'm asking you is that Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are both running for President.
President Obama is running on the democratic ticket and trying to be re-elected into office, while Mitt Romney is running on the republican ticket and trying to be elected for the first time. Mitt Romney is the Governor of Massachusetts, but if he wins the elections he will resign and become president with his partner for Vice-President Paul Ryan. President Obama's partner and Vice-President is Joe Biden.The Vice-Presidents had their debate on Tuesday October, 11th and the Presidents had their 2 elections on October 2nd and October 16th. In order to win the candidates have to get the most public votes and electoral votes. Public votes are the citizen's votes. Electoral votes are votes that come from a state. To get electoral votes you have to win a state. To win a state the candidate with over 50% of the public votes on that state gets the electoral votes from that state. To determine how many electoral votes there are per state you add up the amount of Representatives and Senators the state has, together. That gives you the amount of electoral votes for that state. Here is a map of how many electoral votes each state has for the 2012 elections.

Monday, October 15, 2012



                               HEY NEW YORKERS, SAD OR HAPPY NEWS...
New York is banning 16 oz. soft drinks sold at stores, restaurants,  food carts, food stands at sporting events, and even theaters.They are doing this because most (two-thirds) of the U.S. are obese. The law also applies to sweetened teas, but not fruit juice, alcohol, or dairy drinks such as milk shakes.

You may think that all of this is bad news but think about it: 40% of the kids in elamentary or middle school in New York City are overweight.

by Olive Sayre