Tuesday, December 11, 2012

great questions to ask

Here Are Some Good Questions to Ask for Any Age....

If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie what would you want?

If you could meet any celebrity in the world, who would it be?

Who is your favorite super hero?

If you were an animal then what would you be?

Which is your favorite song that you would sing at a karaoke bar?

Which is the trait you love the most and least about yourself?

Which is your favorite cartoon character?

Which character in a book best describes who you are?

Which is your color that best describes you or stands for your personality?

Which is your color that best describes you or stands for your personality?

Describe yourself in one word

If you could cook for me what would it be? (Sofia Ciandella)

If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be?

When have you felt the most alone?

Is there something you never told your best friend, but you want to tell them right now?

Do you have any regrets? I do..

Is there a speech or quote that you would want to pass on to your children, grandchildren or little kids that you know. 

What is the most important thing in life that you've learned?

Who's your idol?

Who is the nicest and kindest person in your life so far?

What is the happiest moment in your life? And what's the saddest?

Would you rather want to have the power to rewind time or fast forward time?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you believe in Santa? I do..

What makes you and your best friend such good friends?


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