Monday, March 18, 2013

April Fools Pranks

We all know that April Fools is coming up and we’re all scrambling around to find clever and funny pranks. Oh wait, OMG, I love that shirt you’re wearing! I see you through your window. Hahaha, I know you looked. APRIL FOOLS! 

Ok, here are some pranks… but just so you know, some of these pranks we have are looked up on the internet. :
·       You can put some Hannah Montana stickers or any cheesy stickers you want, and put it on a chair, but sticky side up and tell someone to sit on the chair without them looking and they’ll have stickers on their butt!
·       Put water in a bowl, stand on a chair, get a broom and hold the bowl with the broom tip to hold it up on the ceiling. Call someone and ask them “Can you do me a quick favor? Hold this broom for a sec. Thanks.”. Then once the person is in control of the broom, get off the chair and let them stand on the chair, and sit on the couch or floor and stare at them and say “You know there’s water in that bowl?” and once they realize that, they’re trapped and there’s no way out without the water spilling on them.
·        Get something that someone will pick up off the floor like a book or an important looking envelope. Then, wait till someone comes. Sit or stand nearby. Get Velcro or something that will tear easily. When the person bends down, tear the fabric. The person will think their pants are ripped. Don’t worry, it’s hilarious.

·        Put clear tape on the toilet so you can’t stick anything in it. Then, wait till someone comes into the bathroom and just make sure they don’t notice the tape. And just make sure you have some paper towels handy.
·       Take some Oreos and put toothpaste in it and just watch the person eat it.
·       Go into the street and tell a friend to go on the other side. Then pretend that two are pulling a rope. And just watch the cars as they drive by. 

By Sofia Ciandella and Nicole Angeles

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